Our Technology

Schwind Amaris 1050RS

The SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS is the product of continuous development work and is the most powerful excimer laser in the AMARIS product family. The innovative laser system delivers an unsurpassed repetition rate of 1050 Hz – currently the highest of all excimer lasers on the market. The  Amaris has a seven dimensional eye tracker for both alignment  and tracking of the eyes movement during your treatment.

Intralase (femtosecond technology)

Intralase is the process of creating the flap (during LASIK surgery) using a laser, rather than a conventional blade. The Intralase method uses tiny, rapid pulses of energy that move across your eye, creating a uniform layer of bubbles within the corneal surface. This layer separates the corneal tissue and creates a flap. The creation of the flap takes less than 15 seconds.The flap is then lifted by the surgeon, and a laser treatment (with the Schwind Amaris) to correct your prescription is performed.

Amadeus® mechanical microkerotome

An alternative way to create the  LASIK flap is by a mechanical microkerotome. This uses a automated blade to create the flap, which is directed by the surgeon. A laser is then used to correct your glasses prescription. . Your surgeon will discuss with you the most appropriate method of LASIK flap creation for your particular eye.

wavefront aberrometry

Some patients have large pupils and may experience halos around lights at night or distortion of lights even with their spectacles and contact lenses. Aberrometry is a measure of ‘optical defects’ in the eye which can cause these symptoms and accentuate them after laser vision correction. The Amaris Sirrius device measures the degree of ‘optical defects’ known as aberrations and if significant can be incorporated into the excimer laser treatment to help control the aberrations.